Thursday, October 14, 2010

javanes music campursari Creation

Figure it always comes up whenever the screen kuhidupkan facebook. A figure of beautiful women have seized my vision, immediately add him as a friend on social networking. Time passed All I know is that it turns out she is a singer best-selling campursari today, kubersyukur be friends with him even though limited in cyberspace.
That became my mind right now is no longer the face of camtik, but my interest to look back campursari art that they do. Well, think again says the name "campursari" after so long lost in memory of my experiences as a musician's art. As if just a few years went by I had a profession as a musician campursari, when in fact it has happened in the 90's. When it keroncong music artists and musicians are still few who create music that combines both types, although according to Mr. Andjarany campursari phenomenon supposedly has been in Indonesia in the 60's.

"Campursari" which meant Andjarany earlier is dikreasi by RRI Semarang. The format of the music ensemble consisting of: a set of gamelan minus ricikan (instrument), fiddle and flute, which is replaced with a violin and flute. Limited knowledge and experience, there have been recording "campursari" which referred to several record companies such as: Lokananta, Dawn, and others. They include a powerful singer from the music both parent (keroncong and musicians), such as: Maryati, Waljinah, Ngatirah, or Supadmi.

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